HomeTech is now enrolling for the 2025-26 school year! All grades TK-12 are open! Call us today to learn how to enroll your child.
about 1 month ago, Julie Crandall
Enrolling now for 2025-26
Congratulations to Maryann Gilmore for being nominated as HomeTech’s Student of the Month! Martin Svec shared this about Maryann, “Being creative in a World History class might sound next to impossible, but somehow Maryann does it on a weekly basis. Whether it is making astute and valid personal commentary on past events, hand-drawing World War scenes, or creating her own set of Viking gods & goddesses, Maryann consistently wields the power of creativity in her work. For this reason, I would like to recognize her for fully possessing the character trait of Creativity!” Thank you Red Lion Pizza in Magalia for supporting HomeTech's students' successes by giving them a personal pizza and soda!
about 1 month ago, Gail Kemp
HomeTech’s Student of the Month, Cassidy Vincent deserves congratulations! Cassidy’s English teacher, Mr. Bryant said, “When I think of the word responsibility and associate that word with a student, Cassidy is the name that easily first comes to mind. Cassidy is an excellent student who has shown a strong capacity in doing her school work, but she also understands the responsibility of learning. Cassidy is consistent in turning in excellent work, on time, week after week. She is never late and, more importantly, she never lets the quality of her work dip in order to get an assignment in on time. To keep up this standard, a student has to shoulder some of the responsibility in their learning. Cassidy understands this responsibility and is excelling academically because of it. She is a great student, that is evident, and I have no doubt she will be successful in whatever she does because she understands these intangible qualities such as responsibility. Well done, Cassidy!” Thank you Red Lion Pizza in Magalia for supporting HomeTech's students' successes by giving them a personal pizza and soda!
3 months ago, Gail Kemp
HomeTech’s character trait focus was Responsibility and that is why teacher Julie Van Roekel nominated Brooklynn Prasun because as Julie said, “Brooklynn is an incredibly responsible first grade student! She completes her schoolwork with care and always gives her best effort. In meetings, she focuses on the task at hand and is always willing to help her younger sister. Brooklynn shows respect and kindness to everyone around her. Congratulations to Brooklynn and thank you for being a shining example of responsibility!” A special “thank you” to Red Lion Pizza in Magalia for generously donating a personal pizza and drink to each Student of the Month at HomeTech.
3 months ago, Gail Kemp
Congratulations Cayden Zuniga on being HomeTech’s Student of the Month. Cayden’s teacher Mr. Svec said, “Every week in Digital Arts Cayden is focused and ready to go! In a very independently-driven class it takes a lot of responsibility to venture into the realm of creative projects with only general parameters. However, every week Cayden rises to the task, completing his work on time in humorous, ingenuitive, and introspective ways. Whether it be through his photography, music, writing, or Pixel Art, Cayden has shown tremendous responsibility all semester long and is well deserving of recognition for his efforts!” Way to go Cayden! Thank you Red Lion Pizza in Magalia for supporting HomeTech's students' successes by giving them a personal pizza and soda!
3 months ago, Gail Kemp
Save-the-Date HomeTech is offering a paint party for students and their families!
4 months ago, Gail Kemp
paint party
HomeTech’s character trait focus was Gratitude and that is why Martin Svec nominated Kaylee Ingle as student of the month. Martin said, “Kaylee continually shows up every week with an attitude of gratitude. Whether it is checking in about upcoming assignments, receiving extra help on her work, or just general communications about the various moving parts of life, she always walks away with a big smile and heartfelt "thank you." Her appreciation for the efforts of those around her is a welcomed and positive energy here at HomeTech.” Congratulations Kaylee from all the staff at HomeTech! Red Lion Pizza in Magalia congratulates you as well Kaylee, and is giving you a personal pizza and drink! Thank you Red Lion Pizza for supporting student successes!
4 months ago, Gail Kemp
HomeTech's ceramics teacher, Margaret Braun, showcased student artwork in the ceramics studio at school. Artistic things are happening at HomeTech!
4 months ago, Julie Crandall
Offrenda in ceramics
Art show inside
Way to go Bri Burroughs! Bri was nominated by Danielle DiPietro-Hawkins as HomeTech’s Student of the Month. Danielle said, “I've had the pleasure of working with Bri as a student in Culinary, Health and Fitness, Spanish 1, and as her Advisory teacher. Bri is consistently content, kind and sincere and I've never seen her once get angry or act disrespectfully towards anyone. She's thoughtful and reflective and moves through her life gracefully and peacefully. Underlying all of her wonderful personality characteristics is gratitude – not only for being a student at HomeTech, but for being a curious human and good person. Bri is a wonderful part of our school community, and deserves to be recognized for the positive energy which she always emanates.” All your other teachers and the staff at HomeTech would agree with Danielle. Congratulations Bri! Thank you Red Lion Pizza in Magalia for supporting HomeTech's students' successes by giving them a personal pizza and soda!
4 months ago, Gail Kemp
Congratulations to HomeTech's Sierra Hamby for qualifying for the Masters Swim Competition. Sierra competed in the trials today held in Anderson and qualified for 200 and 500 free! So proud of you, Sierra!
4 months ago, Julie Crandall
Sierra at Swim Trials
Sierra Swimming at Trials
HomeTech extends its greatest gratitude to Wendy Lightbody for her many years of being a dedicated champion of our school as School Board President. During her years of service she worked to advocate for students and reinforce our bridge between students, staff and community. Her unwavering commitment truly helped shape and strengthen our school. Before being elected to HomeTech’s school board in 2019, Wendy was a beloved teacher at HomeTech who inspired countless students. Her classroom was more than a place of learning; it was a place where students felt valued and motivated to achieve their best. We thank you, Wendy, for your leadership, compassion, and the example you’ve set for all of us. We wish you the very best.
5 months ago, Gail Kemp
Congratulations to Azul Garcia for being chosen as HomeTech’s Student of the Month. Azul’s math teacher Hailey Cahn said, “Azul has come to our school and classes with an open mind and willingness to try new things. He’s kind and thoughtful to all those around him. Each day he’s thankful for grace as we learn together and continually shows his gratitude for the teaching shared with him. He’s a pleasure to teach!” Congratulations Azul! The HomeTech Staff is so pleased to have you as part of our school community. A special “thank you” to Red Lion Pizza in Magalia for generously donating a personal pizza and drink to each Student of the Month at HomeTech.
5 months ago, Gail Kemp
Congratulations to Lucas Simmons for being chosen as HomeTech’s Student of the Month! Lucas was nominated by his teacher Julie Van Roekel who said, “Lucas is a super kind and compassionate kindergarten student! He shows respect to those around him and is quick to make sure others are included. Lucas often invites his little brother to say hello during our meetings and always treats his family with love and care. You are wonderful, Lucas!” A special “thank you” to Red Lion Pizza in Magalia for generously donating a personal pizza and drink to each Student of the Month at HomeTech.
6 months ago, Gail Kemp
HomeTech is pleased to recognize Claire Lemire as Student of the Month. Claire was nominated by Danielle DiPietro-Hawkins who said, “I've had the pleasure of working with Claire during the past three years at HomeTech as a student in three of my Spanish classes, in Paradise Outreach for three consecutive years, as well as an athlete on my cross country team. Throughout this time and these experiences, I continue to be impressed and inspired by her constant willingness to volunteer in the community and her desire to help others. She typically spends the bulk of her weekends either helping out at community events, or doing tasks for individuals in need of assistance. Whatever it is the Outreach class happens to be doing each week, whether working with students, the elderly, or beautifying the community, Claire is leading the class by modeling her strong work ethic. I told her that she's the hardest worker that I know, and she responded that it makes her feel good to do things for others. I know that Claire will always contribute to the betterment of our community and world, and I'm thankful for the time that I've been able to work with her here at HomeTech.” Congratulations Claire! Thank you for making the world a better place! Thank you also to Red Lion Pizza in Magalia for supporting HomeTech's students' successes by giving them a personal pizza and soda!
6 months ago, Gail Kemp
HomeTech’s Elementary Student of the Month is Gryffin Owens! “Despite being new to Hometech, Gryffin has made a huge effort to connect with those around him. He is always careful to make sure everyone feels included and always has a positive outlook to share. He makes a big impact on those around him. We're so happy to have you here Gryffin!” Congratulations Gryffin for being nominated as student of the month by your teacher Hailey Cahn. Thank you to Red Lion Pizza in Magalia for supporting HomeTech's students' successes by giving them a personal pizza and soda.
11 months ago, Gail Kemp
Attention Seniors! Sign up for Paradise Safe & Sober Grad Night! Look at all these cool prizes! One of them could be yours!
11 months ago, Julie Crandall
Grad Night Prizes
Way to go Joseph for being nominated as HomeTech’s Student of the Month by your teacher Danya Reynolds! Danya said, “For the character trait Integrity, I have chosen to nominate Joseph Baker. Joseph is an excellent student and he is a joy to work with. His honest and kind character contributes to his pursuit of academic and personal excellence. He holds himself to high standards and he always treats his peers and teachers with respect. He participates in class often and offers his knowledge and opinions to class discussions. He has been a wonderful addition to our class.” Congratulations Joseph! A special “thank you” to Red Lion Pizza in Magalia for generously donating a personal pizza and drink to each Student of the Month at HomeTech.
12 months ago, Gail Kemp
Joseph Baker
HomeTech’s Student of the Month Hayden Stromsoe was selected by Danielle DiPietro-Hawkins. Danielle said, “It's my pleasure to nominate Hayden for exhibiting this month's character trait of integrity. As a student in my Advanced Culinary class this past year, I continue to appreciate Hayden's energy and creativity, which he channels into every cooking project that we do. He's methodical and careful about the preparation process; once he spent ten minutes grating a cinnamon stick because we had run out of powdered cinnamon and needed it for the recipe! Hayden's integrity has been evident to me through his frequent volunteering to perform tasks that most students don't enjoy, such as laboring over the hot stove and frying food, and washing dishes. Hayden treats those around him with kindness and respect, and everyone at Hometech appreciates his sincere and earnest character.” Way to go Hayden! Red Lion Pizza in Magalia congratulates you as well Hayden and is giving you a personal pizza and drink! Thank you Red Lion Pizza for supporting student successes!
12 months ago, Gail Kemp
Congratulations Madalyn Dellari for being nominated as HomeTech’s Student of the Month! Hailey Cahn nominated Madalyn because even though being new to our Independent Study Program, “Madalyn has adapted so well. She's driven and independent. She takes care in her work to demonstrate a high level of understanding. She continuously shows her excellent work ethic through her assignments that promptly turned in and full of work that go above and beyond the requirement. It's an honor to work with her.” Congratulations Madalyn! A special “thank you” to Red Lion Pizza in Magalia for generously donating a personal pizza and drink to each Student of the Month at HomeTech.
12 months ago, Gail Kemp
Applause to Ariah Seaton for being nominated as elementary student of the month by her teacher Julie Van Roekel. Miss Julie said, “Ariah shows integrity both at home and in classes. At home, when asked about completing her school work, Ariah is always honest about her challenges. Even if it is difficult, she will admit if she is behind on her work and talk about the reasons why. In class, Ariah shows strong morals and always treats others with respect and care. We can trust Ariah to do the right thing and for this, she has been awarded HomeTech's Student of the Month award for Integrity.” Thank you to Red Lion Pizza in Magalia for supporting HomeTech's students' successes by giving them a personal pizza and soda!
12 months ago, Gail Kemp