Click here for a printable document of the Early Graduation Policy.
HomeTech Charter School acknowledges that some students seek to pursue educational goals that include graduation from high school at an earlier date than their designated class.
A student who completes the requirements for early high school graduation may participate in the graduation ceremonies with his/her designated class or the class graduating in the year in which he/she completes HomeTech’s requirements for high school graduation.
Before a student is evaluated for early high school graduation, the principal must receive a completed Early Graduation Application from the student signed by his/her parent/guardian by April 15th of the student’s junior year. Juniors may be eligible to graduate one semester early.
Upon referral, the principal shall convene an acceleration evaluation committee to determine the appropriateness of early high school graduation for the student. The committee shall include the guidance counselor, the principal, and the homeroom teacher of the referred student.
The acceleration evaluation committee shall be responsible for conducting a fair and thorough evaluation of the student. Part of the evaluation will include an interview with the student answering the following questions.
What are your goals after graduation?
How does an early graduation date support these goals?
What preparations have you made to meet your goals?
What strategies will you use to meet the additional time needed as you accelerate your current program toward early graduation?
Students referred for early high school graduation shall be evaluated based on past academic performance, measures of achievement based on state academic content standards, and successful completion of HomeTech Charter School’s graduation requirements. The acceleration evaluation committee will consider the student’s own thoughts on possible accelerated placement in its deliberations.
Students must pass all junior and senior classes with a letter grade of “C” or better.
Students must have a score of proficient or advanced on their latest English and math California Standards Tests or have passed the English and math portions of the California High School Exit Exam.
Students must pass both portions of the California High School Exit Exam by December of their senior year.
The principal shall share the outcome of the evaluation process with the student and his/her parent/guardian.
If the student is recommended for early high school graduation, the acceleration evaluation committee will develop an acceleration plan designed to allow the student to complete high school graduation requirements early.
The student’s homeroom teacher will be assigned to oversee implementation of the plan and to monitor the adjustment of the student to the accelerated setting.